
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back to my Past

Recently, I've reclaimed two lost loves. One of the audio and one of the visual format: Ozma and Back to the Future. Fortunately for me, they're connected.

Insert quick Wikipedia reference:
The Back to the Future movie series is referenced often enough in Ozma songs to warrant mention here. The song Lorraine is about George McFly's girlfriend who is Marty McFly's mother. The song Game Over contains the lyric "where I go I don't need roads," which is a play off Doc Brown's dialogue at the end of Back To the Future. The lyric "You'll never be my destiny" in the song Continental Drift is a play off George McFly's dialogue when speaking to Lorraine in the 50's diner.

Perhaps Ozma is the taste of the college geek variety, but I still like it, if only because it reminds me I was a college geek who still loved old school Nintendo(and had one in my dorm room). I have to also include Relient K in this Back to the Future homage. They may be the only Christian band I can actually listen to.

Ozma - Lorraine

Ozma - Continental Drift (Flight of the Bootymademoiselle)

Ozma - Game Over (I wish I could find the acoustic demo of this song, I like it so much better...if I find it I'll add it to my "I miss Portland" blog).

Relient K - Hello McFly

I still wish I owned a Delorean.

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